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Note from the Editorial Team

Dear Readers,

As we enter into the halfway mark of the Year 2022, we hope that all of you have some time to step back and evaluate your year so far as against your goals and objectives. It’s a great opportunity to do some hard thinking over some of the decisions you have made along the year and the impact it has caused in your year. Where necessary, recalibrate your bearings to get back on track and consider as well, aspects of your life that you might want to improve upon.    

In this month’s edition of the newsletter, we have some particularly interesting articles to share with you. Our first article evaluates two recent High Court decisions in Malaysia wherein the interpretation of ‘due and payable’ under Section 30(5) of CIPAA 2012 and the payment of ‘adjudicated amount’ under Section 30(1) of CIPAA 2012 is dealt with. This is an article that all of our clients in the construction industry would be able to appreciate as it sets out clarity of the law.   

Our second article is authored by Mr. Harold Tan of HLP. It discusses in detail the power of judicial review and considers whether it is fully exclusive to the civil courts in light of a recent decision of the Federal Court.    

Our third article discusses the recent proposals in Malaysia for the introduction of a ‘Residential Tenancy Act’ in line with many other jurisdictions across the world. Read the article to understand what the Act would entail if it were to come into fruition and how it would achieve its underlying aim of protecting property owners and tenants.       

Our fourth article titled “The Significant Lawyer” is written by Dato’ Quek Ngee Meng of HHQ. This article is a must read for all aspiring lawyers as Dato reviews an interesting book he recently read, and what his take-home message is from the book.        

Finally, don’t forget to take a look into our Inside Out section for the firms latest updates and activities!

We hope that you enjoy reading this edition as much we enjoyed putting it together for you! Happy reading!



Editorial Team:.

Chong Lee Hui

Ankit Sanghvi

Serene Hiew Mun Yi

Amy Hiew Kar Yi

Tan  Poh Yee

Hee Sue Ann

Chan Jia Ying

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