23 Jan 2024
Addressing Copyright Infringement and Challenges in AI Training
Addressing Copyright Infringement and Challenges in AI Training. In this article, we highlight the overlooked risk of copyright infringement in the training process and offers best practices to safeguard against legal challenges.
29 December 2023
马来西亚国家银行外汇政策: 担保 (Guarantee)
根据2013年《金融服务法》的第214(2)、214(5)、214(6)和261节,以及2013年《伊斯兰金融服务法》的第225(2)、225(5)、225(6)和272节的授予权限,马来西亚国家银行发布了一系列关于外汇政策通告。在我们之前的文章中(马来西亚外汇政策(Foreign Exchange Policy(FEP)):居民与非居民在马来西亚借贷),我们探讨了马来西亚国家银行的外汇政策,特别是通告二 (Notice 2),阐述了居民和非居民在境内外的借贷限制。而今,我们将对该通告中关于财务与非财务担保的条款与限制进行详细解读。在外汇政策通告的序言时和解释中,“财务担保”(Financial Guarantee)被定义为任何形式的保证、赔偿或承诺以确保借款的偿还,而“非财务担保”(Non-financial Guarantee)是指为非借款担保目的而发行或获得的任何担保、赔偿或承诺(财务担保除外),包括履约保函、投标保函、货物或服务供应保证或船运担保。获取财务担保 1. 在马来西亚,居民享有向非居民(包括非本地金融机构)获得财务担保的自由,无需事先获得国家银行外汇政策的批准。这种灵活性不仅为个人和企业提供了更广泛的金融选择,同时也反映了国家银行对于推动经济多样性和活力的承诺。发放财务担保2. 居民通常可自由向非居民提供财务担保或协助其获取借贷,但在特定情况下需事先获得国家银行的许可。这些情况包括:a.当居民担保人发放财务担保是以协助非居民特殊目的实体(Non-resident Special Purpose Vehicle) 从居民担保人集团外的非居民实体获得外币借贷,或者如果借贷款项是被居民担保人使用,或是被居民担保人同一集团内的另一非居民实体使用时,这种情况下的财务担保将被视为居民担保人的借款。居民担保人将受制于国家银行通告二规定的的贷款限制;b.当居民担保人已达成正式或非正式安排,以外币形式偿还借款,而不是在发生违约事件时由债权人启动的“启用”时,此偿还将被视为对外币资产的投资,并将受制于外汇政策通告三的外币资产限制。(“启用”应由贷款人以书面形式通知担保人发起,且担保人不得主动启动财务担保的“启用”。在担保人的指示下清算了财务担保时,担保人必须获得银行的事先批准。)如果担保协议中的条款附有“支付契约”的条款,说明担保人有责任在不触发违约事件的情况下偿还借贷人的外币借款,此类的条款足以构成以上述说的正式或非正式安排。在这种情况下,这类型的财务担保发放将被被视为居民有义务代表非居民借款人偿还外币借款,因此,这样的财务担保也将受到外汇政策通告三规定的外币资产投资限制的约束。3. 另外,居民放贷人可以在无需事先得到国家银行许可的情况下,从非居民担保人处获得任何金额的外币或马来西亚令吉的财务担保,以担保居民或非居民的借款。此外,在通告二中获得批准的,或经银行书面批准的,以马来西亚令吉或外币获得的居民借款的情况下,用于担保此类借款的财务担保将被自动视为已获国家银行的批准。放款与还款4. 居民之间外币的财务担保引起的任何付款应以马来西亚令吉支付。然而,符合以下范畴的居民担保人则可选择以马来西亚令吉或外币进行付款:a.借款人集团内的实体;b.借款人的直接股东;c.直系亲属;或d.持牌离岸银行。5.另外,任何为协助非居民借款人发放的财务担保必须以外币进行支付。然而,非居民担保人可以在获得外汇政策通告二批准或经银行书面批准的情况下,在以马来西亚令吉计价的财务担保中向居民放贷人支付马来西亚令吉或外币。6.在处理偿还由非居民担保人提供的财务担保所导致的附带债务时,任何付款必须以外币进行。持牌境内银行有关的财务担保7. 持牌境内银行可自由为其账户获取任何金额的马来西亚令吉或外币的财务担保,同时也可代表其金融集团或客户发放任何金额的马来西亚令吉或外币的财务担保,而无需事先获得国家银行外汇政策的批准。非财务担保8. 居民和非居民:无论是向非居民还是从非居民,居民都可以以任何金额的外币或马来西亚令吉发放或获得非财务担保,并且无需得到国家银行的许可。居民可以向非居民担保人支付马来西亚令吉,前提是所涉及的非财务担保是以马来西亚令吉计价的,且发行的非财务担保是为在马来西亚使用的。此外,支付的马来西亚令吉必须划入非居民担保人的外部账户。对于在驻外账户中的马来西亚令吉资金使用也需遵守外汇政策的通告四的规定。9. 居民之间:居民之间发放或获得以外币计价的非财务担保是无需得到国家银行的许可的。然而,两名居民之间的任何非财务担保所产生的付款必须以马来西亚令吉进行。申请、查询,修改必须通过在线方式进行10. 最后,通过这篇文章,我们也提供了简要的在线申请程序供参考。居民在进行任何外汇政策通告二允许之外的交易前,必须通过在线提交门户进行申请,纸质申请将不予受理。任何批准、通知和查询的申请也都需要通过在线方式提交。11. 申请人需先通过此链接完成注册账户(非注册用户在提交查询之前也需完成简单的注册过程):https://fep.bnm.gov.my/fep-pub/sign-up12. 与通告二相关的申请表格如下供参考:
13. 申请表格可以由申请人或代表申请人的第三方提交。第三方提交表格可以通过申请人的注册帐户进行,并同时附上一封经过签署的授权/委任信函。14.更多详情以及用户指南,申请人可以游览:https://www.bnm.gov.my/submission-of-application以上所述规定反映了截至2023年的情况。如需了解更多详细信息,可随时与我们的团队联系。作者简介Noelle Low Pui Voon 刘佩焕伙伴律师(企业房地产、产业园、租赁、银行与金融)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所电话:+603 2710 3818电邮:noelle.low@hhq.com.my
15 December 2023
Key Amendments to Restructuring and Insolvency
In a significant move to refine corporate governance, the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023, recently passed by both Houses of Parliament, signals a transformative shift in the corporate landscape. This Bill, aligning Malaysia with global standards, introduces comprehensive changes aimed at enhancing transparency, simplifying restructuring processes, and strengthening insolvency frameworks. Such reforms are not just legislative updates but strategic steps towards fostering a resilient and investor-friendly business environment in Malaysia.In this article we explore the key highlights which is set to introduce various changes to the laws of restructuring and insolvency.1. Enhanced Restraining Order Section 368(1A) introduces an immediate moratorium period which takes effect upon filing of an application for restraining order, up to two (2) months or until the application is decided by the Court, whichever earlier. Section 368(3A) provides protections to a company with the effect to prevent or discontinue actions taken against the company such as winding up proceedings, appointment of receiver, execution process and etc. Section 368(3B) disallows granting of further restraining order to a company if an order under Sections 368(1), Sections 368B, 368D or 369C has been granted to a company or its related company under Section 368A, in the preceding 12 months. This amendment seeks to prevent abuse of process which might prejudice the rights of members and creditors. Section 368A allows a related company to apply for a restraining order if the related company plays an integral role in a proposed scheme of arrangement. 2. Cross-class Cram down Section 368D empowers the Court to cram down on a class of creditors if it is satisfied that the dissenting class of creditors are not prejudiced when approving a scheme of arrangement. Under Section 368D(2) and Section 368D(3), the Court may make an order to approve the scheme of arrangement and order the company and all classes of creditors concerned shall be bound by the scheme provided that: (a) a majority of 75% of the total value of creditors or class of creditors present and voting either in person or by proxy at the relevant meeting, have agreed to the scheme; and (b) the Court if satisfied that the scheme does not discriminate unfairly between two or more classes of creditors and is fair and equitable to the dissenting class. Section 368D(4) sets out the conditions of what is fair and equitable to a dissenting class. 3. Approval of Scheme without Meeting of Creditors Section 369C empowers the Court to issue an order to approve a proposed scheme of arrangement even without meeting of creditors if it is satisfied that the creditors would have agreed to such scheme had the meeting of creditors been convened. Under Section 369C(3), the Court may approve a scheme in fast-tracked manner if: (a) The company has provided the creditors with an explanatory statement which contains the information stipulated under Section 369C(3)(a) and Section 369C(6). (b) The Court is satisfied that had a meeting of creditors been summoned, the scheme would have been agreed by a majority of a majority of 75% of the total value of creditors under Section 366(3).4. Super Priority Rescue Financing Section 368B and Section 415A introduces super priority rescue financing to a company in a scheme of arrangement and under judicial management, and that rescue financing is given greater priority ranking in the event of a winding up. A company may make an application to the Court for the following orders: Section 368B(1)(a) & Section 415A(1)(a) An order that the debt arising from any rescue financing obtained by the company shall be paid immediately after costs and expenses of winding up [pursuant to Section 527(1)(a)] are paid. This “super priority debt” is to have priority above all other unsecured debts referred to in Sections 527(1)(b) to (f) Section 368B(1)(b) & Section 415A(1)(b) An order to secure debt arising from any rescue financing by the creation of security interest over unsecured assets. Section 368B(1)(c) & Section 415A(1)(c) An order to secure debt arising from any rescue financing by the creation of security interest of the same priority or a higher priority over existing security interest. This order is subject to the protection of the interests of existing security interest holder. 5. Procedure for Schemes of Arrangement Section 368(1A) provides that all meetings held pursuant to an order of the Court under Section 366 shall be chaired either by an insolvency practitioner or a person elected by the majority in value of the creditors or members. Section 369A empowers the Court to order a company to hold another meeting of the creditors or class of creditors to revote on the compromise or arrangement subject to such terms as the Court thinks fit. Section 369B requires creditors to file the proof of debt with the company and the period within which the proof is to be filed in order to allow them to vote in the meeting to consider the proposed scheme or arrangement.Section 369D empowers the Court to clarify the termsof a scheme of arrangement which has been approved, uponan application the company or creditor bound by the scheme. 6. Insolvency Practitioner in Schemes of ArrangementSection 367(3) makes it mandatory for the Court to appoint an insolvency practitioner for the company in cases where: (a) The company makes an application under Sections 368B (super priority rescue financing), 368D (cram down), or 369C (approval of scheme without meeting); or (b) A related company applies for a restraining order under Section 368A. 7. Wider Application of Corporate Voluntary Arrangement and Judicial Management Section 395 has shrunk the scope into excluding only the companies which are approved and registered under:- (a) The Central Bank of Malaysia.(b) Certain parts of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (Act 671).(c) Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act 1991 (Act 453). This amendment extends the application of the CVA to all companies including companies which have created a charge over their property or undertaking. Section 403 allows wider application of judicial management including certain public listed companies. 8. Extension of Judicial Management Section 406 allows a judicial management order to be extended for a period of six (6) months or longer as the Court may allow.9. Protection for Essential Goods and Services Under Section 430(2), a supplier who wishes to exercise his rights pursuant to an insolvency related clause in a contract shall communicate his intention to do so to the company in writing at least thirty (30) days before exercising his rights under the insolvency related clause. Subject to the above, any insolvency related clause under any contract for the supply of essential goods and services shall not be exercised against any company. The Ninth A Schedule lists the types essential goods and services under Section 430: - Supply of water- Supply of electricity- Supply of gas- Point of sales terminals- Computer software and hardware- Information, advice and technical assistance in connection with the use of IT- Data storage and processing- Website hosting Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the authors of the article and / or the firm if you have any queries on the amendments.This article is intended to be informative and not intended to be nor should be relied upon as a substitute for legal or any other professional advice.About the authorLum Man Chan PartnerDispute Resolution, Employment, Liquidation & Restructuring, Regulatory & Corporate ComplianceHalim Hong & Quekmanchan@hhq.com.myChew Jin HengAssociateArbitration & Adjudication, Debt Recovery and General Litigation, Construction Disputes, Contractual Disputes, Land Disputes, Family LawHalim Hong & Quekjhchew@hhq.com.my
13 December 2023
马来西亚: 合资(Joint Venture)
近年来,越来越多的马来西亚企业选择与本地或外资企业进行合资 (Joint Venture)。合资是一种以双方或多方共同合作于特定项目或追求共同业务目标为形式的商业安排。在马来西亚,合资所采取的形式和结构取决于业务的性质、合作的目标、以及有关法律的考虑因素。以下是一些马来西亚常见的合资类型:(a) 股权合资企业(Equity/Incorporated Joint Venture)合资企业可选择成立一家特殊项目公司 (特殊项目公司) ,以进行特定项目或投资。参与方将其资源和资产投入特殊项目公司,以共享特殊项目公司的所有权和掌控权。特殊项目公司是一个仅为合资企业项目而成立的独立法律实体。通常一旦项目完成或达到约定的时间期限,除非参与方选择延长合作,否则合资企业将会解散特殊项目公司。特殊项目公司的法律实体可以是依据《2016年马来西亚公司法 》(Companies Act 2016) 而成立的有限公司 (有限公司),或是根据《2012年马来西亚有限责任合伙企业法 》(Limited Liability Partnership Act 2012) 而成立的有限责任合伙企业(LLP)。若特殊项目公司是根据公司法所成立的有限公司,合资企业须准备一份合资协议和股东协议来阐明合资企业的运营模式,内容须包含参与方、资金投入、股权分配、管理与控制、利润与亏损分配、期限、推出机制、争议解决等 。如果特殊项目公司是以有限责任合伙企业的形式组建,每个合作伙伴的责任有限,利润和亏损通常按照事先协商的所有权百分比分配,并在合资协议中阐明。无论是有限公司还是LLP的法律实体,参与方通常都会选择参与特殊项目公司的管理和决策发表。参与程度一般会根据其投资或权益的比例而异。尽管股权合资企业涉及多个实体之间的合作,但特殊项目公司本身是独立于合资企业的“母”方,拥有自己的管理结构,以一个独立的法律实体在马来西亚运营。(b) 合同合资企业(Contractual/Unincorporated Joint Venture)合同合资企业(也称为契约合资企业或合作合资企业)是一种不同于股权合资的合作模式。在这种安排中,参与方通过签订合同而不是成立一个新的独立法人实体来合作。这种类型的合资企业主要在那些法律环境或商业实践不利于或不允许成立股权合资企业的情况下使用。 这种合作形式通常针对特定的项目或任务,而不是长期的、不确定的业务活动。合作的条款和条件完全由合同规定,包括资源的投入、责任分配、利润分配、管理和运营方式等。合作伙伴根据合同协议共享资源、技术、市场渠道等,并共同承担项目风险。参与方通常继续作为独立的法律实体运营,各自承担自己的财务和法律责任。合同中会详细说明如何在合作伙伴之间分配利润和成本。相比于股权合资企业,合同合资企业通常在操作上更加灵活,更容易适应变化和调整合作条款。(c) 联合体 (Consortium)联合体是指两个或多个独立的实体(如公司、组织或政府机构)为了实现一个共同的目标或项目而形成的临时性合作伙伴关系。这种合作关系通常不涉及创建一个新的独立法人实体,而是基于合作各方之间的协议或合同。在联合体的形式中所有参与的实体共同追求一个特定的目标,如完成一个大型项目、参与一个招标、开发一个新产品等、参与方之间通常会签订一份合作协议,明确各方的责任、贡献、收益分配、决策过程等。联合体在建筑工程、国际贸易、研发合作、大型事件组织等领域非常普遍。通过联合体,各成员可以结合各自的优势,共同完成无法单独承担或需要多方专业技能的大型和复杂项目。 (d) 战略联盟 (Strategic Alliance)战略联盟是指两个或多个组织之间为了实现共同的战略目标而形成的合作关系。这种联盟可以在不同的组织(如公司、政府机构或非营利组织)之间形成,并且不一定涉及资本投资或新实体的创建。参与方通过合作来实现各自的长期战略目标,这些目标通常与市场扩张、技术发展、产品开发等相关。不同于项目特定的合作,战略联盟通常关注长期合作关系的建立。战略联盟可以采取多种形式,包括但不限于合作研发、共同市场营销、供应链合作等。 在马来西亚参与合资企业,必须遵守当地的法律和法规。以下是在马来西亚参与合资企业时所需考量的一些常见法律相关因素:(a) 业务实体的结构和组建:每种结构类型有着不同的合规要求和影响,因此需确保所选择的业务实体和结构符合该合资企业的需求和目标。不同的结构类型可能会影响责任、税收和管理控制等事项。请参考以上合资企业类型。 (b) 合资协议:草拟一份全面的合资企业协议,详细表列各方的权利、责任和义务,且涵盖所有关键条款,例如合资企业目的、资本贡献、利润分享、管理结构、退出战略包括买断条款、优先购买权和出售或转让所有权的流程等。参与方应在协议中建立纠纷解决机制如调解、仲裁或诉讼,确立解决各方之间争端的机制,并规定在发生分歧时应采取的方案。 (c) 本地法律条规:不同的业务性质涉及不同的法规和许可要求,这可能会影响合资企业的结构和运作,例如合资企业可能受到反垄断和竞争法的约束;若合资企业涉及土地的收购或使用权,土地法规可能对土地的外国所有权存在一些限制;若涉及雇员,合资企业需遵守马来西亚的雇佣法规,了解员工权利、福利以及现有员工待遇等相关问题。 (d) 税收影响: 参与方需了解合资企业结构在实体层面和个体参与方层面的税收影响,包括优化税收效益、遵守马来西亚消费税或销售和服务税等法规。 (e) 知识产权的保障: 参与方应考量所涉及的知识产权,包括商标、专利、版权和商业机密等的所有权、使用权和保护措施,,并协议与现有知识产权以及在合资企业过程中新开发的知识产权相关事项。 (f) 保密准则: 参与方需制定有关机密讯息和数据的保护准则,以防止其他参与方未经授权的使用或泄露。 (g) 外来投资相关的批准: 根据合资的性质和外国方的参与程度而定,某些行业设有对外国股权参与的限制,因此需获取马来西亚投资发展局(MIDA)等监管机构的批准方可进行投资。 (h) 政府机构的批准: 某些合资企业的业务性质可能需要从政府机构获得特定批准。例如,电信或能源行业可能需要向马来西亚通信和多媒体委员会(MCMC)或能源委员会申请获得批准。 合资企业在马来西亚各个领域越来越普遍,这包括制造业、科技电子、技术、金融和再生能源等领域。它们为企业提供了一种灵活而协作的多方合作方式,选择具体的合资类型将取决于合作的目标、对业务所需的掌控度和风险分担水平等,以及各方所涉及的法律和税收影响。各方之间的约定、条款和条件,应在进入合资前,在协议中详细说明,并确保协议草拟得当以及符合相关的法律法规,以确保合资企业可以在合规的情况下,顺利地在马来西亚落地及运营。以下为在参与合资之前,我们建议您考量的其中先决条件的事项(非详尽):• 您即将参与的合资建立以及资产转让是否需要政府或相关监管机构批准?• 所涉及的业务是否需要特定的许可证?• 是否需要第三方同意,以使关键合同、知识产权等可被纳入合资企业?• 是否需要税务许可?• 是否需要从抵押债券或其他借款人处获得批准?• 是否需要参与方完成尽职调查?• 是否需要取得参与方的股东批准?• 是否需要为完成先决条件设定期限?• 如需了解更多详细信息,可随时与我们的团队联系。作者简介Tan Lee Weei陈莉惟资深助理律师 (股权资本市场、公司/并购、监管与合规)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所lwtan@hhq.com.my
29 November 2023
许多购房者误以为一旦他们与开发商签署了买卖合同,即正式成为房产的注册和实际所有者。然而,若购买的房产尚未颁发个别或分层产权地契,该房产仍在整个项目发展的主产权地契下持有。在此阶段,购房者在法律上被视为房产的实际所有者但项目发展主产权地契上登记的所有者仍然是开发商。根据《国家土地法典》第340条规定,产权地契对其被登记的所有者具有无可辩驳的效力。土地登记是产权人所有权和权益的确凿证据。但若该产权地契或权益是通过欺诈或伪造等手段获得,其产权地契或权益可被撤销。第340(2)(a)条规定,若产权人或其代理是欺诈的一方或与欺诈有关, 该产权地契或权益可被撤销。第340(2)(b)条规定, 若该土地登记涉及伪造,该产权地契或权益可被撤销。这与产权人或受让人是否在获得产权地契或权益时是否出于善意并提供了有价值的考虑无关。 若转权登记和抵押的程序尚未完成,购房者在将房产出售至第三方的买卖交易将面临额外的延迟。这是因为该程序需要开发商确认所述房产详细信息,并获得开发商同意直接将房产转让至第三方。此外,大多数金融机构不愿意批准贷款以融资尚未完善产权地契的房产,尤其是在个别/分层产权地契已颁发的情况下。因此, 潜在购房者在申请贷款购买房产时可能会面临一些困难。开发商也有可能在转权登记程序尚未完成前被清盘或清算。在这种情况下,购房者需要与指定的清算人合作,以完成转权登记和抵押。这个过程不仅会浪费时间,购房者还需要支付额外的费用给指定的清算人,以进行转权登记程序。此外,若购房者未能对转权登记和抵押的通知作出回应,购房者的贷款金融机构可能会根据与购房者签署的授权书行使其权利,作为购房者的代理签署转权登记和抵押所需的文件。在这种情况下,该贷款金融机构将会把所有费用和成本计入贷款人现有的融资中,这将影响贷款期限和贷款利息。综上所述,购房者需在收到开发商的通知后及时办理转权登记和抵押,以保护其在房产中的权益,防范任何对房产的不利主张。如需了解更多详细信息,可随时与我们的团队联系。作者简介Goh Li Fei吴丽斐伙伴律师(房地产,银行与金融)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所lfgoh@hhq.com.my
14 November 2023
马来西亚: 2024财政预算案
马来西亚首相兼财政部长安华(Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim)于10月13日提交了以“改革经济,强化人民”(Economy Reforms, Empowering the People) 为主题的2024年马来西亚财政预算案。第二份昌明预算案(Madani Budget)彰显了团结政府提升国民经济和人民福利的决心。2024年财政预算案是马来西亚史上规模最大的财政预算案,拨款高达3938亿令吉。其中,3038亿令吉用于行政开销,发展开销为RM900亿。以下是2024年马来西亚政府财政预算案的主要内容:资本利得税- 自2024年3月1日起,脱售本地非上市公司的股份所得的净盈利将被征收10%资本利得税。- 对于2024年3月1日之前收购的股份,脱售本地非上市股份的净盈利将被征收10%的资本利得税;或者,总销售额的2%。- 政府正在考虑特定的投资活动如首次公开发行 (IPO),内部重组和符合特定条件的风险投资公司将豁免资本利得税。服务税服务税率从6%提高至8%(不包括餐饮和电讯等服务),并扩大至物流、经纪、承保以及卡拉OK。奢侈品税政府将在明年成立新法令对高价位的奢侈品,包括珠宝与手表等,将征税5%至10%。全球最低税政府预计在2025年对全球收入至少7亿5000万欧元(37亿4000万令吉)的公司实施全球最低企业税 (GMT)。电子发票的实施从2024年8月1日起,对年收入或销售额超过1亿令吉的纳税人强制实施电 发票。对于其他类别的纳税人则分阶段落实,并于2025年7月1日全面实施。豁免制造辅助设备的进口税和销售税从2024年1月1日起,对符合条件的制造商在进口和本地采购的制造辅助设备(用于特定行业和商品)将获得进口税和销售税的豁免。《1967年所得税法》第44(6)条款根据《1967年所得税法》第44(6)条款获得批准的机构、组织或基金,可选择将其累积资金使用限额从25%提高至35%,条件是将其慈善活动支出门槛从至少50%提高至60%;或者维持现状(即累计资金使用限额保持在25%,但仍需要至少花费50%用于慈善活动支出)。新工业大蓝图(NIMP)成立投资与贸易行动协调委员会成立投资与贸易协调行动委员会(JTPPP),其职责是直接向由财政部长担任主席的国家投资委员会(MPN)汇报。新工业大蓝图资金新工业大蓝图总投资额的10% 将用于推动该蓝图,并在2024年提供2亿令吉的启动资金。高新技术产业区将在霹雳州北部的吉辇建立高科技工业区,以在北马的的电子与电气 (E&E)产业构建更广泛的生态系统。新工业大蓝图的分级再投资税务优惠期望提高生产能力并投资于高价值活动但已充分消耗再投资津贴的现有公司,可以在2024年1月1日至2028年12月31日期间向马来西亚投资发展局(MIDA)申请分级再投资税收优惠 - 第 1层级:100% 合格资本支出( QCE)抵销 100% 法定收入(SI);第 2 层级:即60%合格资本支出抵销70%法定收入。净零碳排放的税收措施自愿碳排放交易市场的额外税收减免公司在发展碳项目相关的监测、报告与核查(MRV)支出,可享有高达30万令吉额外税务减免。电动汽车(EV)租赁租赁电动车的公司享有最高300,000令吉的扣税优惠延长至2027年。电动汽车充电设施购买电动车设施可享有2500令吉个人所得税减免的政策延长4年至2027年。环境、社会与监管(ESG)的税收减免与环境、社会与监管而产生的相关开销可享有5万令吉的扣税优惠。优惠有效期从2024年到2027年的课税年。大马森林研究院(FRIM)认证项目的税收减免根据1967年所得税法案第34(4)(6)条款,将给予为树木种植项目或受到大马森林研究院认证的环境保护和保育意识项目的私人领域,将能够享受税收减免。申请应于2024年1月1日至2026年12月31日期间提交至财政部。娱乐业税收措施对在马来西亚拍摄电影的电影制作公司、外国电影演员、和电影剧组,设定0%至10%的特别所得税。联邦直辖区的豁免娱乐税:- 本地艺术家所进行的舞台表演完全豁免娱乐税;- 主题乐园、家庭娱乐中心、室内游乐场或虚拟游戏的娱乐税从25%减至5%。- 国际艺人的舞台表演、电影放映、体育节目和游戏节目等其他娱乐节目的娱乐税从25%减至10%。如需了解更多详细信息,可随时与我们的团队联系。 作者简介Desmond Liew Zhi Hong 廖智鸿伙伴律师(税务,企业与制造业海外投资)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所电话:+603 2710 3818电邮:desmond.liew@hhq.com.my
30 October 2023
马来西亚: 非马来西亚公民和外国公司购置房地产需知的法律规定
在购置马来西亚的房地产时,非马来西亚公民和外国公司应留意并遵守以下规定:(a) 必须获得《2020年修订国家土地法典》相关的购置批准;(b) 必须符合由州政府规定的房地产最低购买价格门槛和房地产类型要求;(c) 必须遵守首相署经济策划组(EPU)发布的购置房地产指南。以下是《2020年修订国家土地法典》第433A条规定的非马来西亚公民和外国公司的定义:(a) 非马来西亚公民- 指的是非马来西亚国籍的个人;(b) 外国公司- 包括根据《2016年公司法》在马来西亚注册的外国公司,或者在马来西亚注册的公司,其50%或更多的表决股由非马来西亚公民持有。根据《2016年公司法》第2条的规定,外国公司被定义为在马来西亚以外注册的公司、法人、社团、协会或其他组织,或者是根据其原籍地法律具备在法律下起诉或被起诉权利的未注册社团、协会,且其主要办公处或主要经营地点不在马来西亚。《2020年修订国家土地法典》根据第433B条的规定,非马来西亚公民或外国公司购置马来西亚房地产时,必须向相关州政府提交书面申请,以获得该州政府的购置许可。获得州政府的许可后,可能需遵守该州政府规定的条款和条件,并支付规定的征费(levy)(除非获得国家土地委员会的豁免)。房地产最低购买价格门槛和房地产类型要求在本文中,我们将探讨在吉隆坡联邦直辖区、雪兰莪、彭亨和柔佛购置房地产的最低购买价格门槛、非马来西亚公民和外国公司可购置的房地产类型,以及是否需要向非马来西亚公民和外国公司征收征费。
EPU发布的购置房地产指南自2014年3月1日起,非马来西亚公民或外国公司需要在以下情况下获得EPU的事前书面批准:(a) 房地产购置价格超过2000万令吉,且可能导致土著权益和/或政府机构持有的房地产土著拥有权的稀释;以及(b) 通过股权收购间接取得房地产,导致土著权益和/或政府机构持有的公司控制权发生变化,且该公司拥有房地产总额超过其总资产的50%并且房地产价值超过2000万令吉。此外,外国公司还需留意,EPU对其在马来西亚购置房地产实施了一些限制,如外国公司必须拥有至少30%的土著权益股份,并且外国权益持有的本地公司的实收资本必须不低于250,000令吉。EPU也对非马来西亚公民和外国公司在马来西亚购置以下类型的房地产施加了限制,包括:(a) 每单位房地产价值低于1百万令吉;(b) 由州政府确定为低成本和中低成本(low and low-medium cost)住宅单元;(c) 建筑位于马来人保留土地上的房地产;以及(d)州政府确定的任何产业开发项目中分配给土著权益的产业。上述规定反映了截至2023年的情况。如需了解最新的法律和政策,建议您咨询马来西亚相关的法律部门或寻求专业律师的帮助,以获取准确和最新的信息。如需了解更多详细信息,可随时与我们的团队联系。Lim Yoke Wah 林玉华伙伴律师 (企业房地产、产业园、租赁、银行与金融)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所电话:+603 2710 3818电邮:yokewah@hhq.com.my
19 October 2023
在马来西亚设立且运营私人医疗设施及服务需遵守多项法律条规与要求。我们在下文中列出一些必须遵从的基本事项:医疗服务公司注册在马来西亚,公司的注册和设立皆由马来西亚公司委员会(CCM)监管。外国公司必须在马来西亚公司委员会注册,以便在本地合法运营业务。根据《2016年马来西亚公司法》的定义,”外国公司” 包括在马来西亚以外注册成立的公司、法人、协会、组织或其他机构, 且该协会、组织或其他机构并没有在马来西亚设立其总公司或主要营业场所。因此,若在马来西亚设立私人医疗或保健相关设施及服务,须依据马来西亚公司法的规定,在公司委员会注册分支机构,注册合伙人业务实体,或设立一家本地公司。医疗服务许可证尽管在马来西亚有多项法规规范着私人医疗设施的建立与运营,但主要的相关许可证是根据《1998年私人医疗设施与服务法》所批准及颁发,并由马来西亚卫生局监管。在马来西亚设立和经营私人医疗设施或服务,例如私人医院或私人疗养院(除了私人医疗诊所和私人牙科诊所以外),首先需获得卫生局局长的事先批准。在决定是否批准在马来西亚设立私人医疗设施或提供服务时,卫生局局长将综合考虑以下相关事项:(i)所提供的医疗设施或服务的性质(ii)该医疗设施或服务是否已在某个区域实施以及其实施的范围和程度(iii)该医疗设施或服务在某个区域的现阶段需求性(iv)该医疗设施或服务在某个区域的未来需求性申请私人医院许可证的程序和要求:
**具体涉及的机构会依据医疗设施的类型、提供的服务和地点而有所差异。建议咨询法律专业人士、顾问和医疗法规专家,以确保全面遵守所有相关的法律和法规。外国股权与参与为促进本地企业和外国投资者之间更多的合资,马来西亚政府已经在某些服务领域放宽了外国股权参与限制,其中包括以下医疗服务领域:(i)私人医院服务(ii)专业医疗诊所服务(iii)专业牙科诊所服务(iv)兽医服务(v)(通过居住机构)提供给老年人,残障人士或儿童的的社会救济服务(vi)儿童日托服务,包括残障儿童的日托服务(vii)职业性的残障人士康复服务虽然马来西亚已放宽了外国股权的限制,但任何涉及外国股权参与的医疗服务机构,仍需向卫生部外国股权参与特别委员会申请批准。其他相关要求(i)维护患者基本人权与安全《1998年私人医疗设施与服务法》和《2006年私人医疗设施与服务法规》规定了设立,维持及运营私人医疗设施与服务的最低标准,以确保本地医疗消费者的医疗可及性,并规范了私人医疗提供者须维护患者安全和权利的法规。(ii)遵守马来西亚就业法律,包括遵从雇佣,聘请或解雇医疗专业人员等的相关法规。(iii)遵守马来西亚数据保护法,确保患者信息及数据的机密性。如需了解更多详细信息,可随时与我们的团队联系。作者简介Tan Lee Weei 陈莉惟伙伴律师(公司/并购、就业与劳工、监管与合规)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所电话:+603 2710 3818电邮:lwtan@hhq.com.my
27 September 2023
马来西亚国家银行外汇政策 (Foreign Exchange Policy (FEP)):居民与非居民在马来西亚借贷
在马来西亚投资,境内或境外的借贷以及资金的汇入及汇出,都需遵守马来西亚国家银行(“国家银行”)规定的外汇政策。国家银行外汇政策通告二(Notice 2) 细述了马来西亚居民和非居民,包括个人和实体,在马来西亚获取外币和马来西亚林吉特(“马币”)借贷的条款与限制。此文章将略述国家银行外汇政策以内居民与非居民包含的定义,以及通告二中各组别的借贷限制。首先,以下定义(根据外汇政策的定义)针对了解此文以及通告二是非常重要的:居民
• 马来西亚公民,不包括持有国外永久居民身份以及居住在国外的马来西亚公民;或
• 在马来西亚已取得永久居留权并在马来西亚永久居住的非马来西亚公民;或
• 在马来西亚成立,经任何马来西亚授权机构或单位注册或批准的公司;或
• 经任何马来西亚授权机构或单位注册或批准的非团体;或
• 马来西亚政府或任何州政府。
• 居民以外的任何主体;或
• 海外分公司企业、子公司企业、区域办事处、销售办事处和居民公司企业的代表处; 或
• 大使馆 、 领事馆、高级专员公署、 跨国组织、国际组织(包括马来西亚大使馆、领事馆、高级专员公署);或
• 持有国外永久居民身份以及居住于国外的的马来西亚公民。
• 任何在马来西亚以内或以外实体或非法人实体的公司、法定机构,、地方政府、社会团体、合作社团、有限责任合伙企业以及任何团体、机构、协会或个人组织;或
• 马来西亚联邦政府、州政府或其他政府。
• 其最终控股公司; 或
• 其母公司或总部; 或
• 其分支; 或
• 其母公司拥有超过50%的子公司股权的情况下的子公司; 或
• 其本地公司拥有联营公司10%至50%股权的情况下的联营公司; 或姐妹公司,本地公司和其姐妹公司具有共同的股东(拥有至少10%的股权)。
居民实体向非居民获取马币借贷在马来西亚注册的外国公司,根据现行外汇政策,将被视同本地公司。例如,在马来西亚注册的中国子公司,在马来西亚注册的香港分公司,都包括在外汇政策内居民的定义。所以说,居民的定义甚广。只要借贷目的是为在马来西亚实业领域的活动而进行融资,居民实体可以通过实体集团中的非居民公司和非居民直接股东获得无限制的马币数额借贷。马来西亚的实际部门活动是指与以下相关的活动:(一) 在马来西亚生产或消费商品或服务,不包括:
1. 金融服务部门的活动,无论是以伊斯为主的金融还是以其他方式; 或
2. 证券或伊斯兰证券的购买; 或
3. 购买金融文件或以伊斯为主的金融文件;
(二) 在马来西亚建设或购买住宅或商业物业,不包括购买不用于建设或生产商品或服务的土地。
(一) 马来西亚证券委员会有关指引规定发行的可流通私人债务证券或伊斯兰私人债务证券(不包括任何非交易债券);或
(二) 马来西亚联邦政府发行的马币或伊斯兰债务证券;或
(三) 以马币发行的可赎回优先股或伊斯兰可赎回优先股。
(一) 持牌境内银行;或
(二) 集团旗下的居民或非居民实体或公司集团旗下的居民或直接股东;或
(三) 通过发行外币计价的公司债务证券(CORPORATE BOND)或伊斯兰固定收益证券(SUKUK)给与另外居民。
(一) 向非直系亲属的非居民借贷,马币数额借贷只限于总计最高一百万马币;或
(二) 向非直系亲属的非居民或者持有执照的境内银行借贷,外币数额借贷只限于总计最高一千万马币。
(一) 向居民(实体或个人,包括在岸持牌银行)获取融资以供马来西亚实体领域的活动资金;或
(二) 向直系亲属居民获取借贷供任何用途;或
(三) 根据马来西亚的就业、服务条款向马来西亚雇主获取借款以供境内用途;或
(四) 从持有股票经纪的在岸银行、居民股票经纪公司和居民保险公司获取借款以供购买马来西亚证券交易所的交易性的证券或财务金融工具; 或
(五) 获取高达向持牌保险公司或持牌回教保险经营者购买的人寿保险保险或回教保险保单的退保金額.
(一) 向持牌境内银行获取外币借贷;或
(二) 通过发行外币债务证券(包括伊斯兰债务证券)。
(一) 其债务性质和其国际收支的风险;
(二) 其借款的目的是支持具有生产力的实际经济活动,对马来西亚经济带来切实且正面的效应;和
(三) 申请人的财务状况,其过往合规记录,财务能力以及其管理境外借款风险的风险管理能力。
Noelle Low Pui Voon 刘佩焕伙伴律师(企业房地产、产业园、租赁、银行与金融)Halim Hong & Quek 翰林律务所电话:+603 2710 3818电邮:noelle.low@hhq.com.my
17 July 2023
Federal Court rejects Purchaser's leave application to appeal on issue of "ready for connection"
On 22.6.2023, the Federal Court in the case of Govindan Kumar A/L Muniandy & Anor v Eco Green City Sdn Bhd [Civil Application No.: 08(f)-521-11/2022(B)] unanimously dismissed the Purchaser’s application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court against the Court of Appeal’s decision dated 17.10.2022 [Civil Appeal No.: B-01(A)-467-09/2020], which held that the phrase “ready for connection” found in the Sale and Purchase Agreement (Schedule G) entered between the Developer and Purchaser shall be interpreted to mean that the electrical points and water fittings and fixtures have been installed and supply is available for tapping i.e. ready for connection of supply, and does not mean that supply is actually connected.
The Developer, Eco Green City Sdn Bhd was represented by our partner, Ankit R Sanghvi and our associate, Chew Jin Heng.
On 28.10.2015, the Developer and the Purchaser entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement for the purchase of the Property for a purchase price of RM663,800.00 (“SPA”).
The SPA (Schedule G) is prescribed under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Regulations 1989 (“HDR”) and Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 (“HDA”).
Pursuant to Clause 22 of the SPA, vacant possession of the Property is to be delivered to the Purchaser in the manner stipulated in Clause 23 within 36 months from the date of the SPA. Liquidated damages (“LD”) shall be calculated from day to day at the rate of 10% per annum of the purchase price, from the expiry date of the delivery of vacant possession until the date the Purchaser takes vacant possession of the Property.
Clause 23 of the SPA reads:
(1) The Vendor [Developer] shall let the Purchaser into possession of the said Property upon the following:
(a) …
(b) water and electricity supply are ready for connection to the said Building;
Clause 31 (e) of the SPA reads:
“ready for connection” means electrical points and water fittings and fixtures have been installed by the Vendor [Developer] and tested and commissioned by the Appropriate Authority or its authorised agent and supply is available for tapping into individual building units;
Time for the delivery of vacant possession of the Property was 36 months, which started from 28.10.2015 and ended on 27.10.2018.
Notice of delivery of vacant possession of the Property was issued on 15.11.2018 by the Developer to the Purchaser.
The electricity meter of the Property was installed on 6.3.2019.
On 12.3.2019, the Purchaser filed a claim in the Tribunal against the Developer for LD.
On 2.5.2019, the Tribunal decided in favour of the Purchaser and awarded LD in the sum of RM23,642.19, calculated from 27.10.2018 to 6.3.2019 (date of installation of electricity meter) (“Award”).
On 26.7.2019, the Developer filed a judicial review application to seek for an order of certiorari to quash the Tribunal’s Award. On 19.8.2020, the High Court in Eco Green City Sdn Bhd v Tribunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah & Anor [2020] MLJU 1670 allowed the judicial review and held that:
(1) Vacant possession of the Property was delivered on 5.2018 upon the issuance of the notice. Therefore, LD shall be calculated from 27.10.2018 to 11.5.2018 (date the notice of vacant possession of the Property was issued).
(2) The Tribunal had committed an error in law by concluding that vacant possession was delivered when the electricity meter was installed.
(3) The Tribunal failed to give effect to the clear and unambiguous provision in the SPA, and over-stretched the meaning of the words “ready for connection”.
Aggrieved by the decision of the High Court, the Purchaser appealed to the Court of Appeal for the determination of one principal issue – What is the correct cut-off date for the calculation of LD i.e. (a) date the notice of vacant possession of the Property was issued; or (b) date of installation of electricity meter.
On 17.10.2022, the Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed the Purchaser’s appeal and upheld the High Court’s decision.
The Court of Appeal held that:
(1) “Ready for connection” does not mean that the unit in question must be installed with actual supply and it does not require actual connection.
(2) There is no such requirement for meter installation by the Developer in Clause 31(e). This provision only compels the Developer to install the electrical points, and not the electrical meters.
On 16.11.2022, the Purchaser filed a leave application to appeal to the Federal Court against the Court of Appeal’s decision.
The Purchaser relied on the Federal Court’s recent decision in the case of Remeggious Krishnan v SKS Southern Sdn Bhd (formerly known as MB Builders Sdn Bhd) [2023] 3 MLJ 1 which made a finding on the interpretation of “ready for connection” under the statutory agreement (Schedule H) prescribed under the HDR and HDA.
During the hearing before the Federal Court on 22.6.2023, the Developer submitted that the case of SKS Southern is distinguishable from the facts in this case:
(1) Unlike the developer in SKS Southern that made an application to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (“TNB”) after vacant possession was delivered, the Developer in this case made an application to TNB 3 months BEFORE vacant possession was delivered to the Purchaser. Therefore, the Developer in this case had carried out its obligation to ensure the property was “ready for connection” before the notice of vacant possession was issued.
(2) The developer in SKS Southern was early and delivered vacant possession of the property before the expiry of the time to do so. However, the developer was found to be liable for “compensatory damages” due to its breach on the manner of delivery of vacant possession.
(3) This is different from the facts in this case as the Purchaser in this case is claiming from additional liquidated damages due to the late installation of the electricity meter after vacant possession was already delivered.
After hearing the submissions from both parties, the Federal Court unanimously dismissed the Purchaser’s application for leave with costs of RM30,000.00, as the questions posed by the Purchaser did not meet the threshold and requirements for leave to be granted under Section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964.
With the decision of the Federal Court, the decision of the Court of Appeal dated 17.10.2022 remains final. The cut-off date for the calculation of LD shall be date the notice of vacant possession of the Property was issued, NOT the date of installation of electricity meter.
However, it is important to highlight that since the Purchaser’s leave application was dismissed, the Federal Court did not make any findings or delve into the issues and merits of this case, including the interpretation of the phrase “ready for connection”.
As such, the Federal Court’s decision in SKS Southern remains to be the leading authority and law on the phrase “ready for connection” in relation to the supply of electricity and water which is present in all the SPAs (Schedules G, H, I & J) prescribed under the HDR and HDA. This decision, much to the dismay of developers, appears to be a new added burden placed on the heads of developers to ensure that there is actual supply of water and electricity to the property in question at the point of time the notice for delivery of vacant possession is given. Failure to ensure the same would result in the delivery of vacant possession to be deemed invalid and a developer similarly circumstanced would be exposed to compensatory damages, even if the developer actually delivery the notice for delivery of vacant possession within the prescribed time permitted under the SPA in question.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the authors of the article and/or the firm if you have any queries on how this recent decision may impact your business or if you require legal advice on this issue.
This article is intended to be informative and not intended to be nor should be relied upon as a substitute for legal or any other professional advice.
About the author
Ankit R Sanghvi
Arbitration & Adjudication, Asset & Debt Recovery, Banking Litigation, Commercial & Corporate Litigation, Insurance Law, Land Law Litigation, Liquidation & Insolvency, Tort & Negligence
Halim Hong & Quek
Chew Jin Heng
Arbitration & Adjudication, Debt Recovery & General Litigation, Construction Disputes, Contractual Disputes, Land Disputes, Family Law
Halim Hong & Quek
13 July 2023
16 March 2023
The Real Estate Law Review: Malaysia
A person owns real estate by registering his or her ownership or interest in the issue document of title. Generally, there are two types in real estate ownership, which can be categorised according to their respective land tenure, namely leasehold and freehold.
A freehold title vests ownership of real estate in perpetuity for an indefinite period within the bounds of Malaysian law. On the other hand, a leasehold title vests the right to real estate for a term not exceeding 99 years.
Commonly granted leasehold tenures are for a period of 30 years, 60 years or 99 years, depending on the state authority's policies then in place. A leasehold title may require a lengthier process to acquire and dispose as compared to a freehold title as the state authority's consent is usually required prior to the title registration.
Leasehold tenures are mostly renewable with payment of a premium to the state authority. As such, generally, the transaction price of freehold real estate is higher as compared to leasehold real estate due to the land tenure and the conditions on the title required prior to real estate acquisition and disposal.
In Malaysia, we have adopted the Torrens System for a record of ownership and dealings of real estate. Under the Torrens System, registration of title is everything and the indefeasibility of title is guaranteed to the proprietor whose name is registered on the document of title.
The Torrens System allows a proprietor to hold the document of title officially issued by the land authority, with the details accurately described via a proper land survey. The boundaries and exact size of the property will be marked on a plan attached together with the document of title.
The registration of all dealings is done via the statutory forms prescribed under the National Land Code. Consequently, any person who wishes to look for the details of a title, including the ownership, may conduct searches through the respective local land office.
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